Thursday, September 3, 2020

Definition of Child Development

A meaning of youngster advancement Child improvement is another method of saying how kids create through various stages or how kids develop and learn. It additionally alludes to the natural and mental changes that happen in people among start and the finish of youthfulness. The formative territories are physical, enthusiastic, social, instructive and intellectual. The perfect advancement of youngsters is viewed as imperative to society and it is essential to comprehend these zones. These territories are associated with each other. As a kid develops in one area, this will impact and is then affected by another space of development.These areas are significant being developed in light of the fact that they center around the entire youngster. New hypotheses and techniques have been found because of examination here, with explicit respect to instructing that advances improvement in the schools. Likewise there are a few hypotheses that plan to depict an arrangement of various states that m ake youngster improvement. Clarification and case of comprehensive advancement Holistic improvement is an individual’s advancement in the accompanying territories; scholarly, passionate, social, physical, imaginative, innovative and strict qualities and sentiments. It is the advancement of the whole cerebrum's considerations and feelings.To become a tennis player you have to create Physical †engine abilities, general co-appointment, moving around the tennis court, hand eye co-appointment, hitting the tennis ball with the tennis racket Cognitive/scholarly †thinking the game, having an approach, Emotion †confidence and self †articulation some tennis players are very where some are boisterous, taking care of negative minutes while losing a match Communication †clarifying how you’re playing, purposes behind doing great and not all that well, Behavioral and moral aptitudes †alternating in preparing, co-working with others, social abilities, hav ing some good times while playing, collaboration when playing doubles.General design The example of improvement Children’s advancement follows an example: From head to toe Development advances downwards. Physical control and co-appointment starts with a child’s head and creates down the body through the arms, hands and back, lastly to the legs and feet From internal to external Development advances from activities closer the body to increasingly complex ones further from the body. For instance, youngsters can co-ordinate their arms, utilizing gross engine abilities to go after an item, before they have taken in the fine engine aptitudes important to go through their fingers to pick it. During adolescence there is another development spray; this time the development begins at the outside of the body and works inwards. Hands and feet extend first; the shin bones stretch before the thigh, and the lower arm before the upper arm; at long last, the spine develops). From easy to complex Development advances from basic activities to progressively complex ones. For instance, youngsters remain before they can walk, and stroll before they can skip or bounce. From general to explicit Development advances from general reactions to explicit ones.For model, a youthful infant shows delight by an enormous general reaction †the eyes enlarge, and the legs and arms move vivaciously While a more seasoned youngster shows joy by grinning or utilizing fitting words or signals. The few parts of advancement are unpredictably connected: each effects and is influenced by the others. For instance, when kids have arrived at the phase of passionate advancement at which they have a sense of safety when separated from their principle carer, they will approach an a lot more extensive scope of connections, encounters and open doors for learning.Similarly, when kids can utilize language adequately, they will have more open doors for social contact. In the event that one viewpo int is defenseless or dismissed somehow or another, youngsters will be tested in arriving at their maximum capacity. Territories of advancement page 2 The zones of improvement portrayed in this book are these: Physical improvement Physical improvement is the manner by which the body increments in expertise and turns out to be progressively intricate in its exhibition. There are two primary zones: Gross engine aptitudes: These utilization the enormous muscles in the body, and incorporate strolling, running, climbing and the like.Fine engine abilities: These incorporate gross aptitudes and fine aptitudes. †¢ Gross manipulative abilities include single appendage developments, as a rule of the arm, for instance tossing, getting and making clearing arm developments. †¢ Fine manipulative abilities include exact utilization of the hands and fingers, for instance pointing, drawing, utilizing a blade and fork or chopsticks, composing or doing up shoelaces. Tangible advancement Phys ical improvement likewise incorporates tactile turn of events. Sensation is the procedure by which we get data through the faculties: vision hearing smell ouch taste proprioception. Proprioception is the feeling that tells individuals where the versatile pieces of their body, for example, the arms and legs, are according to the remainder of the body. Psychological and language improvement Cognitive or scholarly advancement is advancement of the brain †the piece of the mind that is utilized for perceiving, thinking, knowing and comprehension. Recognition includes individuals understanding what they see, hear, contact, smell and taste. Recognition is influenced by past understanding and information, and by the person’s enthusiastic state at the time.Language improvement Language advancement is the advancement of relational abilities. These remember aptitudes for: open discourse †what an individual comprehends expressive discourse †the words the individual produce s enunciation †the person’s genuine way to express words. Enthusiastic and social advancement Emotional improvement Emotional advancement includes the advancement of sentiments: the development of emotions about, and familiarity with, oneself the improvement of sentiments towards others the advancement of confidence and a self-idea. Social developmentSocial improvement incorporates the development of the child’s associations with others. Socialization is the way toward learning the aptitudes and perspectives that empower the youngster to live effectively with different individuals from the network. Good and otherworldly improvement Moral and profound advancement comprises of a creating attention to how to identify with others morally, ethically and empathetically. It includes understanding qualities, for example, genuineness and regard, and getting ideas, for example, good and bad and obligation regarding the results of one’s activities.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Why Asparagus Makes Your Urine Smell Funny

Why Asparagus Makes Your Urine Smell Funny At the point when you eat asparagus, your pee will smell interesting. Be that as it may, not everyones noses can identify the scent of asparagus pee. The concoction that delivers the impact is called asparagusic corrosive. Asparagusic corrosive isn't unpredictable, so on the off chance that you sniff a lance of aparagus, you wont smell anything important. Be that as it may, when your body digests asparagus, aspargusic corrosive is separated into less difficult mixes, which are unpredictable, so they move from pee into the air, where they advance toward your nose soâ you can smell them. These compoundsâ include dimethyl sulfide, dimethyl disulfide, dimethyl sulfone, andâ dimethyl sulfoxide. The sulfurous mixes or mercaptans are identified with the synthetic substances that makeâ skunk splash and spoiled eggsâ so evil. Asparagus Doesnt Make Everyones Pee Stink While it is accepted everybody discharges these mixes in their pee in the wake of eating asparagus, somewhere close to 22% and half of the populace lackâ the chemoreceptors to distinguish the astounding smell. Additionally, a few people may utilize asparagusic corrosive such that produces lower amounts of the unmistakable smelling particles. Regardless of whether you can smell the particular out of control scent of asparagus pee relies upon your hereditary qualities. Failure to smell the substance results from a solitary base pair hereditary change, which is passed on in families. While you probably won't see yourself as lucky in the event that you can smell it, the upside is youre more probable ready to smell different sulfurous atoms, which may shield you from poisonous synthetic concoctions. Find out More What Is the Worst Smelling Chemical?How To Color UrineChemical Composition of Urine

Friday, August 21, 2020

Admission Essay Editing

Affirmation Essay Editing Affirmation Essay Editing Affirmation Essay Editing Composing affirmation expositions is a long procedure. In any case, regardless of whether all is well from your perspective, confirmation exposition altering ought not be ignored. It is worth to peruse your confirmation exposition a few times while altering the substance of the paper just as altering language structure and spelling blunders. Altering affirmation article permits you to forgo reiteration and to maintain a strategic distance from elaborate blunders. Affirmation paper points might be extraordinary while the standards of altering are the equivalent for all compositions. Simply follow the paper altering tips underneath and you will clean your composition. It is in every case better to peruse your composition from the main word until the last one. Furthermore, you should begin altering exposition with accentuation without focusing on the spelling. Next, read confirmation exposition in delay purchase (from the last passage to the primary) altering spelling. While altering spelling blunders in the ordinary understanding request, you will focus just to the significance of meaningful recommendations and might avoid numerous errors. In this way, during the time spent confirmation article altering, pose yourself a few inquiries about substance of the paper. Remember that substance is the message you need to pass on to the peruser. Ordinarily, the substance of your affirmation paper is hard to assess. The main activity is to set aside your confirmation article and compose a concise message that you need to place in your paper. At that point, complete the process of composing presentation and end and read primary piece of the paper. While altering, solicit yourself whether the importance from your affirmation exposition is equivalent to in the short passages. On the off chance that indeed, it is acceptable. Not so much? Ask yourself the accompanying inquiries to improve affirmation article altering: Does the paper answer every single offered conversation starter? In the event that not, at that point you have issues: paper must be reworked. Best case scenario, press missing data. However, in the event that you have sufficient opportunity to revise your confirmation exposition, you ought not spare a moment to begin composing without any preparation once more. Does each point have supporting model? Regardless of whether you imagine that affirmation exposition altering doesn't require models, you will locate some improper or superfluous data in your composition. Apply your creative mind, scrounge in your memory and you will discover abundance of fascinating and important models. Are the models persuading, and, above all, would they say they are close to home? It is the best inquiry for altering. How about we start with the last part. It is a poorly conceived notion to compose à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¥my companion made the equivalent. For this situation, like never before the word à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…I is valued. While checking influence go to Critical Reasoning. Does the contention stand an analysis? Is the contention immaculate? Then again, you may arrange custom affirmation exposition composing at and we will alter or compose without any preparation your confirmation article.

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Welcome to IEW’s Blog!

Dec 19 2013 Welcome! We hope you’ll find this a place to be encouraged in the daily joys and struggles of educating your children. You, homeschooling moms and dads, co-op teachers, tutors, and full-time classroom teachers, are our inspiration and the reason why IEW exists! We want to support you in your profoundly important mission: forming your children so they can seek the truth and communicate it clearly and effectively to others. Here’s a taste of what we’ll be sharing with you in the time to come: words of wisdom from Andrew Pudewa, Jill Pike, and many other experienced educators, both at home and in schools answers to your most puzzling questions about teaching the language arts firsthand reviews from bloggers and others who have used IEW in teaching their children literature reviews interviews and so much more! Plus Be among the first to find out about new products, online classes, and special promotions. Enter special drawings just for our blog readers. And join in the conversation, sharing your thoughts with us and with other readers. We hope you enjoy everything we have to offer! Now it’s your turn: What would you like to read about here? Any burning questions we can answer for you? Share your comments with me. Log in or register to post commentsGenevieve Priests blog Log in or register to post comments Kuddos Permalink By stevienextDec19 Just started using IEW last year. Over the summer my daughter entered a national essay contest and placed 3rd for her essay. Thanks for the help! Log in or register to post comments

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Corporate Social Responsibility Accountability Or...

Corporate social responsibility: Accountability or Liability? We all have responsibilities. It begins with taking care of one’s favorite toys as a child and it grows to encompass more significant aspects of one’s life. The decisions we make, the steps we take and the words we speak are vital elements of our responsibilities. It is a matter of considering the interests of others besides your own. This is the core value of being responsible. The same concept is applicable for corporations and businesses. In other words, businesses are expected to make wise actions when providing services and promoting their company. Over a series of years, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has been one of the most debated topics in the business world†¦show more content†¦Rather, CSR is a step towards an accountability to serve a greater cause: local to global sustainability, as well as a business tactic to become more recognizable among the consumers. Each color used in the infographic is a symbolic representation to a unique message regarding CSR. First of all, red is the color of attention. It is a technique that gives high priority to community involvement. The purpose of symbolizing community involvement with this color triggers the idea that there is going to be an immediate positive effect of the contribution to the community in accelerating the progress of the corporations. Treating the community as a precious asset pays off because building a relationship of trust with the community allows the business to grow faster. Secondly, today’s environmental ecosystem requires participation in several distinctive practices in order to achieve sustainability. Environment sustainability is a solid phrase that refers to the idea of protecting and living with the ‘green’. So, green as a color to advocate it, has been used. Orange is a close relative to the red color, but here it is interpreted as the color of creati vity, success and encouragement in order to promote ethical marketing. This is because the word ‘ethics’ does not restrict business creativity, success and encouragement because of rules. Rather, it corresponds to positive and effective drives in the market. Corporate Social Responsibility Accountability Or... Corporate social responsibility: Accountability or Liability? We all have responsibilities. It begins with taking care of one’s favorite toys as a child and it grows to encompass more significant aspects of one’s life. The decisions we make, the steps we take and the words we speak are vital elements of our responsibilities. It is a matter of considering the interests of others besides your own. This is the core value of being responsible. The same concept is applicable to corporations and businesses. In other words, businesses are expected to make wise actions when providing services and promoting their company. Over a series of years, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has been one of the most debated topics in the business world affecting us dramatically. That is because CSR went through different ranges of acceptability from denial to conformity in its significant goals. Hundreds of texts were published to draw attention to the major beneficial impacts of CSR to society. The text I chose addresses that businesses need to un derstand that they advance by lifting others. Businesses are not participating enough to give a helping hand to society. There should be an emphasis on how CSR is grounded in the reality of taking small but efficient steps to reach greater changes. Corporate Social Responsibility is the mission that equally combines three interconnected aspects of society to accomplish a successful transformation from local impacts to global changes. 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Managing Human Resources and Social Media

Question: Discuss about the Essay on Social Networking. Answer: Social Media at Workplace Since 2010, there has been a drastic use of the social media for the process of recruitment by the HR professionals and it escalated from 6% to 89% in recent times (Vaast Kaganer, 2013). Since the candidates are more tech-savvy than ever, the HR professional has to equally skilled as well to identify the right candidates and screen out the wrong ones. This argumentative essay focused on various aspects of use of social media at workplace by analyzing a case study and found that there is an immense contribution of social network platforms and discussed the various associated theories. There has been a significant advancement in the field of information technology that is evident from the widespread use of the platforms of social media affecting the business throughout several industries. This has changed dramatically the way of working for the human resource (HR) professionals (Leonardi, Huysman Steinfield, 2013). Social media has helped the human resource professionals drastically in the processes of hiring and screening of applicants, development and training of talents, announcing corporate changes and obtaining company feedback. Apart from this, various outlets of social media are used by the companies and their HR professionals for posting job openings, interacting with the employees and clients and making of product announcements (De Choudhury Counts, 2013). This argumentative essay will research on the use of the social media in workplace and its impact on recruitment screening, organizational culture and its business activities. The generational issues, legislation and change management theories of the stakeholders will also be analyzed in context with a case study based on the use of social media at the workplace by the HR professionals. It is evident that the employees are increasingly mixing their professional and personal work content on the sites of social media and this is a challenge for the employers who utilizes the social media for screening of the potential candidates and setting the guidelines for the social media usage for their employees impacting the business of the organization and the proprietary interests. Considering the ethical theory, implementation of social media in the process of hiring is a question of whether it should be practiced or not. The choice is a matter of argument for the HR professional who chooses to use social media to search and screen for the right candidates as legally and ethically, they are breaching the Privacy Act 1988 (Bryman, 2015). Recruiters, HR professionals and employers often search the social media databases on internet for the prospective applicants that include reviewing of the personal blog or website of the applicant and other social media platforms. Arguably, it can be stated that this is a healthy practice as the posts which have been made public by the user has been done intentionally for a wide range of audiences and the employer counts as one amongst them. A counter argument will state that the user might have put up the posts for his personal friend circle and is not intended for any kind of professional judgment as they have been posted under varying situations and circumstances that have nothing to do with his professional behavior (Fuchs, 2013). These factors keep the argument alive whether it is ethical to browse the profiles of the potential candidates and select them or screen them out based on their social media updates. From the perspectives of a HR professional, it can be stated that researching the social media content of an applicant can prevent the company from future risks. The applicants with negative content in social media can give an idea to the employer about his criminal or dangerous propensities. Considering the flip side, it can be stated that rejected candidates can bring about discrimination lawsuits against the employer for using their personal information for rejecting them. Therefore, social media can be used ethically in recruitment by outsourcing the job of research to a third party and based on their report, the company can make further decision whether to retain or discard a particular applicant as it involves the future risks of the organization. From the perspectives of stakeholders theory, it is a matter of discussion whether the employer should monitor an employee on the social media. The right to privacy of the employees in the workplace is restricted and therefore, a balance is essential for ensuring the right of the employees to privacy and the right of the employer to access and monitor the usage of social media of an employee (Vallor, 2012). This also includes the decline of productivity due to engagement in the social media, loss of proprietary and confidential informati on, revealing of the private facts with defamation and screening of potential violations. Since this concept is burdened with potential traps that the employer might face from the stakeholders due to the involvement of the Privacy Act, it is necessary for the employers to consider carefully the memos of the act to prevent the adoption of the unethical ways to monitor the employees (Colleoni, 2013). Arguably, the company can consider consulting an attorney for revising or preparing the social media policies. With the passage of time, there have been changes in the attitude and practices of the employees and the young employees tend to possess a different attitude compared to the older workers in terms of commitment, responsibility and privacy. They are more open to discuss their personal and professional lives on the social media and this makes the employers alright to use these sites for gleaning information about their employees (Loader, Vromen Xenos, 2014). The young workers accept social media as a platform to know more about their colleagues as individuals which in turn, gives the employers an opportunity to learn more about their employees as individuals. With the rise of the social media, it has added a new layer to the job related activities of the young workers and they use this platform to acquire more skills that are job related (Drouin et al., 2015). It has increased the permeability of the boundary between leisure and work that has been used to strengthen their personal rel ationships with their co-workers. More than half of the young workers and job seekers use social media tools for building an online career and conducting job search. They also interact with the employers on the social platform that also facilitates the employers to scrutinize their employees prior to their appointment. Arguably, it can be stated that the use of social media as a tool of recruitment and gleaning candidate information can have its challenges and opportunities. Ability to attract and target specific candidates and increasing efficiency and speed of the talent search process are the basic advantages of social media that are used up by the employers. Since the candidates can obtain information about the employer or can even contact the present employees of the organization for a realistic preview of the job, it becomes a both sided affair and the young workers become more open to regarding fetching of their personal information by the employees from the social platforms (Snchez Abril, Levin Del Riego, 2012). However, there are challenges that exist in this form of mutual agreement that are primarily based on the ethical principles. Considering the legislative perspectives, it is considered unethical and inappropriate for the employers to seek information about the personal lives of the workers. It is evident that the major reason for the disqualification of the potential candidates has been their lifestyle rather than the information that is employment oriented. Consequently, the employers might expose themselves to the discrimination charges from the candidates who do not have social media access or the groups who have been under-represented in a strategy of targeted campaign. Therefore, from the perspectives of a counter argument, it can be stated that like the advantages of using both sided information from the social media, it also have its disadvantages that are detrimental to both the employer and the young workers. The openness of the young workers towards providing personal information to their employers on the social media can invite threat to their candidature and employment status if they choose to post obscene and violent content due to indiscretion. On the other hand, these indiscretions can be used as an opportunity by the employers to verify their selected candidate about his personality and integrity that will act as facilitators of preventing faulty recruitment and prevent future risks to the organization (Eichhorst et al., 2014). Although the young workers are quite aware of these hazards, they choose to display the better side of their character to avoid professional disqualification while applying for jobs or while in an employment. With the ever-growing pool of talented candidates, it is becoming increasingly becoming difficult for the HR professionals to screen and find the appropriate candidate from the application deluge that are received for vacant positions. The employers are facing a tough challenge to find the candidates with the suitable qualifications and skills for the required position. Under such circumstances, the HR professionals are looking beyond the traditional methods of hiring for making targeted recruiting campaigns (Couldry, 2012). Since the employers are not getting enough opportunities for engaging effectively and determining the fitness of the right candidates, therefore social media has become an efficient and effective means of improving visibility for referrals and engagement and making it a win-win situation for the employers. Unitarism and pluralism are the two perspectives of management in an organization that determines the type of management or the liberty of the employees in an organization. Following the traits of unitarism, it can be stated that with the implementation of social media in the HR policies, the management and the employees will emphasize on mutual co-operation and share a common view of utilizing the platform for mutual benefits (Bechmann Lomborg, 2013). On the contrary, the traits of pluralism will divide the organization into divergent and powerful sub-groups having legitimate loyalties with its set of leaders and objectives. This will divide the concept of implementing social media into the sub-groups of employee and employer where co-ordination and persuasion can also lead to the generation of conflicts. Arguably, it can be stated that these conflicts can lead to positive changes and evolution for the use of social media in the workplace for the betterment of the organization and its employees, converting it into a win-win situation for the employers. From the ideas of strategic HRM, it can be argued that social media not only aids in screening and selecting the right candidate, it also makes the candidates aware of the organizational goals prior to their employment that makes the task of the employers easy and the candidate stays well prepared for achieving the organizational goals, even before their selection. Aligning the candidates with the organizational goals amplifies the organizational values that create a win-win situation for the employers (Treem Leonardi, 2013). Relational psychological contracts deal with the mutual expectations of outcomes and inputs and from this perspectives, it can be stated that social media can take a pivotal position in building a relationship between the employees and the employer. It reflects the feelings from the standpoint of the employees and the employers utilize the platform of social media for enabling the mobilization and awareness of the employees to the level of scale and sophistication that has a predominant effect on the success of the organization. Arguably, comb ination of the traditional models and modern tools of HRM can bring about a win-win situation for the employers. High commitment HRM is the process of theorized communication process that aims for the integration of the process and content effectively that links to the organizational performance (Lovejoy Saxton, 2012). Social media can be an effective tool in developing this link and act deliberately to increase the performance of the employees. Human capital and knowledge management aims for the integration of the human capital with the knowledge sharing for managing the organizational networks and social media can be an effective tool that can help in building this network. All these theories arguably help the employers to be in a win-win situation with the application of social media. From this argumentative essay, it can be stated that the impact of social media in increasing in the workplace. This is affecting the communication among the managers, job applicants and the employees, controlling and promoting their reputation and development of the relationship among the colleagues. It can be recommended by considering all the theories discussed in this essay that developing a policy for the usage of social media in workplace and recruitment process would not breach the privacy of the employees and would not put the organization at the risk of discrimination lawsuits by the rejected candidates (Bolton et al., 2013). From the Australian perspectives, it is important for the employers to be well versed with the impact of social media on employment, recruitment and termination for reaping the maximum benefits. References Bechmann, A., Lomborg, S. (2013). Mapping actor roles in social media: Different perspectives on value creation in theories of user participation.New media society,15(5), 765-781. Bolton, R. N., Parasuraman, A., Hoefnagels, A., Migchels, N., Kabadayi, S., Gruber, T., ... Solnet, D. (2013). Understanding Generation Y and their use of social media: a review and research agenda.Journal of Service Management,24(3), 245-267. Bryman, A. (2015).Social research methods. Oxford university press. Colleoni, E. (2013). CSR communication strategies for organizational legitimacy in social media.Corporate Communications: an international journal,18(2), 228-248. Couldry, N. (2012).Media, society, world: Social theory and digital media practice. Polity. De Choudhury, M., Counts, S. (2013). Understanding affect in the workplace via social media. InProceedings of the 2013 conference on Computer supported cooperative work(pp. 303-316). ACM. Drouin, M., OConnor, K. W., Schmidt, G. B., Miller, D. A. (2015). Facebook fired: Legal perspectives and young adults opinions on the use of social media in hiring and firing decisions.Computers in Human Behavior,46, 123-128. Eichhorst, W., Boeri, T., De Coen, A., Galasso, V., Kendzia, M., Steiber, N. (2014). How to combine the entry of young people in the labour market with the retention of older workers?.IZA Journal of European Labor Studies,3(1), 1. Fuchs, C. (2013).Social media: A critical introduction. Sage. Leonardi, P. M., Huysman, M., Steinfield, C. (2013). Enterprise social media: Definition, history, and prospects for the study of social technologies in organizations.Journal of Computer?Mediated Communication,19(1), 1-19. Loader, B. D., Vromen, A., Xenos, M. A. (2014). The networked young citizen: social media, political participation and civic engagement.Information, Communication Society,17(2), 143-150. Lovejoy, K., Saxton, G. D. (2012). Information, community, and action: How nonprofit organizations use social media.Journal of Computer?Mediated Communication,17(3), 337-353. Snchez Abril, P., Levin, A., Del Riego, A. (2012). Blurred boundaries: Social media privacy and the twenty?first?century employee.American Business Law Journal,49(1), 63-124. Treem, J. W., Leonardi, P. M. (2013). Social media use in organizations: Exploring the affordances of visibility, editability, persistence, and association.Annals of the International Communication Association,36(1), 143-189. Vaast, E., Kaganer, E. (2013). Social media affordances and governance in the workplace: An examination of organizational policies.Journal of Computer?Mediated Communication,19(1), 78-101. Vallor, S. (2012). Flourishing on facebook: virtue friendship new social media.Ethics and Information technology,14(3), 185-199.

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Topics Not Controversial That Will Help Students Write A Winning Argument Essay

Topics Not Controversial That Will Help Students Write A Winning Argument EssayStudents who are interested in how to write an argument essay for college will benefit from reading this information. Topics which are non-controversial and which can be proven factual are more likely to succeed. In addition, students can also use the information in the essay to answer questions that they may have when they are studying the topic.One of the most common topics used by many writers is tax. When writing an argument essay for college students need to know that they can be sure to avoid any controversial topics when writing a tax essay. This way they do not run the risk of having their essay rejected if it contains controversial topics.Another topic to avoid is the discussion of religion. Students will find that most courses on religion are much more controversial than tax. Controversy is what tends to cause writers to lose their writing grade.In terms of topics which do not involve religious a rguments, there are several topics that will be acceptable. Some topics are included in this category. For example, there are many topics that deal with some form of politics.This has become a highly controversial topic in America today. There are many debates about whether or not the US Government is making the right decisions regarding our economy and the American people. It is also one of the most polarizing issues in the country.As students begin to write this topic, it is important that they realize that they will be writing for an audience. As such, it is important that the students make sure that they are answering all questions that they may have. Not doing so can lead to the student's essay being rejected.One of the most difficult issues that students have to deal with is political controversy. As such, students should understand that the audience that they are writing for is quite politically motivated. If they can avoid those subjects it will greatly improve their chance of success.Students who are interested in learning how to write an argument essay will need to read this information about topics that are not controversial. By knowing these topics, students will be better able to approach their assignment. Finally, by knowing what topics are not controversial, students will also be better prepared to answer questions about those topics during their final written essay.