Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Corporate Social Responsibility Accountability Or...

Corporate social responsibility: Accountability or Liability? We all have responsibilities. It begins with taking care of one’s favorite toys as a child and it grows to encompass more significant aspects of one’s life. The decisions we make, the steps we take and the words we speak are vital elements of our responsibilities. It is a matter of considering the interests of others besides your own. This is the core value of being responsible. The same concept is applicable for corporations and businesses. In other words, businesses are expected to make wise actions when providing services and promoting their company. Over a series of years, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has been one of the most debated topics in the business world†¦show more content†¦Rather, CSR is a step towards an accountability to serve a greater cause: local to global sustainability, as well as a business tactic to become more recognizable among the consumers. Each color used in the infographic is a symbolic representation to a unique message regarding CSR. First of all, red is the color of attention. It is a technique that gives high priority to community involvement. The purpose of symbolizing community involvement with this color triggers the idea that there is going to be an immediate positive effect of the contribution to the community in accelerating the progress of the corporations. Treating the community as a precious asset pays off because building a relationship of trust with the community allows the business to grow faster. Secondly, today’s environmental ecosystem requires participation in several distinctive practices in order to achieve sustainability. Environment sustainability is a solid phrase that refers to the idea of protecting and living with the ‘green’. So, green as a color to advocate it, has been used. Orange is a close relative to the red color, but here it is interpreted as the color of creati vity, success and encouragement in order to promote ethical marketing. This is because the word ‘ethics’ does not restrict business creativity, success and encouragement because of rules. Rather, it corresponds to positive and effective drives in the market. Corporate Social Responsibility Accountability Or... Corporate social responsibility: Accountability or Liability? We all have responsibilities. It begins with taking care of one’s favorite toys as a child and it grows to encompass more significant aspects of one’s life. The decisions we make, the steps we take and the words we speak are vital elements of our responsibilities. It is a matter of considering the interests of others besides your own. This is the core value of being responsible. The same concept is applicable to corporations and businesses. In other words, businesses are expected to make wise actions when providing services and promoting their company. Over a series of years, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has been one of the most debated topics in the business world affecting us dramatically. That is because CSR went through different ranges of acceptability from denial to conformity in its significant goals. Hundreds of texts were published to draw attention to the major beneficial impacts of CSR to society. The text I chose addresses that businesses need to un derstand that they advance by lifting others. Businesses are not participating enough to give a helping hand to society. There should be an emphasis on how CSR is grounded in the reality of taking small but efficient steps to reach greater changes. Corporate Social Responsibility is the mission that equally combines three interconnected aspects of society to accomplish a successful transformation from local impacts to global changes. 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